"Little by little we let go of loss but never of love "~ unknown
The Peaceful Vet
The beautiful part of my job is honoring the human-animal bond. Allowing a pet to go in peace in its owner's arms, when its end of life is upon them, is a gift.
"it is our unwritten contract with animals that says once we have established a bond and have agreed to partner in life with them, we will meet their needs, both mentally and physically. When end of life is upon them, it is our responsibility to ensure they do not suffer" ~ Dr Bernard Rollin
It is the most heartbreaking experience saying goodbye to a pet. Everyone grieves differently but it there are some things you can do to help. You may like to plant a tree in your pets honor, hold a memorial, light a candle, read poetry on pet loss and talk to fellow animal lovers and pet owners who understand what it is like to lose a beloved furry member of the family.
For support you can reach out to Beyond Blue for help on grief and loss.
Click on these links for some ideas of how to memorialise your pet and websites to help you through this heartbreaking time.
Those with children are faced with the challenge to support your little ones through your pets passing. Here is a link to access some tools to help your children through the loss of their pet. The Invisible Leash by Patrice Karst is a gentle children’s book recommended by many to help them with the loss and grief.