Exploring The Human, Animal Bond and Home Euthanasia for Your Pet

Exploring the human, animal bond and home euthanasia for your pet. A special connection between humans and animals can be extremely and mutually beneficial. The dynamics between the people and animals inspire positive behaviours that are essential to health and wellbeing of both owner and pet.

Just like contact with nature, research indicates that the positive health effects of owning a pet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic health issues.

Take the canine for instance; a stack of recent studies suggests how dogs pick up chemical and biological signals from people that allow our feelings to become "infectious" thus strengthening the bond, sometimes it feels like your pet is comforting you when your sad or they get excited when your happy and full of energy.

The Bond with Our Pets and the Benefits

Pets, particularly cats and dogs, can reduce stress, depression and anxiety, ease loneliness, of course they can also promote exercise and playfulness, and as mentioned before they can even improve your heart health!

Children growing up with an animal can feel more secure and active. Pets also offer valuable friendship for older adults too. A pet can also add pure joy and unconditional love to your life.

Suffice to say, a bond between humans and animals isn’t just for dogs and cats, love, respect and loyalty can be formed between many types of animals and their humans.

If you are a pet owner, then you probably have experienced some of the above connections with your pet. Words can’t properly explain the bond we feel towards our furry friends, and the love shared.

Losing Your Best Friend

Are we ever completely aware of the unconditional love, and loyalty our furry friends offer until they are gone? Pet owners everywhere wish their pets a peaceful and a painless death.

The impact of a pet's death is significantly increased when, as responsible and loving owners, we have to make the difficult decision to have our pet euthanised. A pets death is heart breaking and in most cases results in a deep grief to yourself and your family

Pet Euthanasia

Euthanasia is a painless death and in ancient Greek it translates to ‘good death'. 

It is a very hard decision to say goodbye and end your pet’s life. It is a loving choice to euthanise a pet whose quality of life has deteriorated – watching your beloved pet in pain or struggling is heartbreaking in itself.

It takes bravery to undertake this final duty, a final responsibility to a beloved companion who has unconditionally shared your love and your life.

Pet Euthanasia at Home

Pet euthanasia at home may be the best option for you and your pet; many may wish to grieve in the privacy of your own home and for many pets, the home setting is far less stressful especially if they are very ill or old. Putting your pet to rest in their home which has been their whole world, for them to be surrounded by loved ones and their scent in most cases is a lot more comforting for your pet than a clinic.

Being able to make an informed decision about whether it is the right time to euthanise your pet, is important as it is one of the most heartbreaking decisions you will make. However, if the quality of your pet’s life is severely decrease you can take comfort in the fact they that won’t suffer and they will be able to pass way peacefully in the comfort of their home and in your arms.

For more information about if it’s the right time please visit the Peaceful Vet Northern Rivers. Or call Dr. Amy Arnell for a consultation p: 0493 125 593.

For further reading on Home Euthanasia


Memorialising Your Pet