Exploring Aftercare Options for My Pet

Exploring Aftercare Options for My Pet

In the weeks leading up to our pet’s death we spend so much time focusing on caring for our pet and deliberating over when is the right time to help our pet pass. We often don’t plan (or don’t want to think about) what to do with our pet after they pass. There are options available and they will be explored in this blog.

Home burial of my pet after home euthanasia

It is best to check with your local council to determine whether there are any regulations for pet burial in your area. It is generally recommended that burials are at least 1m deep and far from any sources of drinking water (creeks, dams etc). Burials should not take place in flood zones.


Cremation is available through Pets Eternal. I will respectfully transfer your beloved pet after my home euthanasia visit, to Pets Eternal. Their crematorium is based in Burleigh, QLD. There are two main options for cremation of your beloved pet:

Cremation with no return of ashes

This is also referred to as “cremation with friends” as your beloved pet will be cremated with other cats or dogs. As they are cremated with other animals the ashes are unable to be separated and returned. The ashes are instead scattered in a memorial garden owner by Pets Eternal in Brisbane. This is located in Greenbank.

Individual Cremation with return of ashes

If you choose this option, your pet will be cremated individually and their ashes will be returned to you. The crematorium will also offer to take a gold ink paw print and a lock of hair from your pet, which will be returned with their ashes. I will personally return your pets ashes to you when they are ready if you use my home euthanasia service. The vessel in which your dear pet is returned to you can be decided on the day of my visit or even a couple of days after if you need more time to decide. Storage options for ashes include a scatter pouch, timber box, timber box with photo frame and urns. More details of this can be found on the Pets Eternal website.

What if my pet dies unassisted at home and I have no aftercare organised?

If your pet passes at home wrap them in a sheet or blanket and place them in their bed. Be mindful that when the body relaxes the body can release urine and faeces, so you may want to place a puppy training pad/incontinence pad underneath them. If it is afterhours then you are unlikely to be able to have anyone come to your home to collect your dear friend. If you find it distressing to wait until the morning then you can try calling the emergency vet centres (AES, AEC) and they may allow you to bring your pet to them to keep safe until the crematorium can collect them.

If it is during office hours (Monday-Friday 8-5 or Saturday 8-2), call Pets Eternal on 0732000121 or alternatively you can call me, The Peaceful Vet on 0493 125 593.

I will either come and collect your precious pet if I can or I will organise Pets Eternal to collect from your home. I am here to help guide you through all aspects of your beloved pet’s farewell.


Home Euthanasia for My Cat


How To Deal with The Loss of a Pet